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Minimising Flood Risks in Europe through Better Planning

Between 1999 and 2004, Europe suffered over a 100 major floods. They caused about 700 deaths, the displacement of half a million people and at least 25 billion ? in insured economic losses.Once again this year the Elbe flooded and the Danube literally smashed its record reaching levels never before seen in Budapest.Increasingly often, the danger of flooding originates in the mountains when torrential rains provoke flash floods which are extremely destructive. Mainly in the semi-aridzones of the Mediterranean basin.
Jean Pascal van Ypersele,Climate ... continua

El clarividente

1934. De Maurice Elvey, largometraje americano en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Claude Rains, Fay Waray y Jane Baxter. La trama es la historia de un mentalista tramposo, al que de pronto sus predicciones se hacen verdad Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

El hombre monstruo

1932. De Rouben Mamoulian, largometraje americano, en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, con Fredric March, Henry Jeky y Miriam Hopkins. De la novela de Robert Stevenson, el tema de la sexualidad reprimida del protagonista que se transforma en el sádico y perverso Dr. Hyde Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

12)- 6 con Di Pietro

28 gennaio 2004 Morti sul lavoro.www.antoniodipietro.it

Talking Allergies and Asthma with a Europe-wide Approach

Millions of people in Europe are allergic to springtime, due to the higher pollen count. Others suffer all year long because of their allergic reaction to certain chemicals. Interviews: Professor Peter Burney,Imperial College, London, UKProfessor Sven-Erik Dahlén, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SwedenDr. Stephen Durhan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Visit the site: www.mostra.com

11)- 6 con Di Pietro

27 gennaio 2004 Sciopero e diritti negati.www.antoniodipietro.it

Researchers Playing Hard at World Cup

The leading football nations are competing for the World Cup, stirring emotions amongst billions of fans around the globe.Gelsenkirchen in Northwestern Germany: where Ecuador is about to Play Poland.Marcin has come with friends from Warsaw to support his team and enjoy the occasion. Interviews: Marcin,Henry Barthel, EPCglobal, Bussels BelgiumChristopher Hermann, AOK StuttgartMonika Rother, Marienhospital StuttgartAneta Baier, IRT MunichThomas Schierbaum , IRT MunichKlaus Illigner, IRT Munich Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Doctor X

1932. De Michael Curtiz, largometraje americano en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro, con Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray y Lee Tracy. Una de las primeras películas sonoras de ciencia ficción Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Sombrero de copa

1935. De Mark Sandrich, largometraje en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Fred Astaire y Ginger Rogers. La inolvidable actuación de dos grandes de la comedia musical. Todo el despliegue de un Hollywood brillante junto a la creatividad musical producida por el talento de Irving Berlin Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

10)- 6 con Di Pietro

26 gennaio 2004 10 azioni del programma Italia dei valori.www.antoniodipietro.it

Smart Cars to Reduce Road Accidents

Every year Bidendum Challenge brings cars of the future together for a series of races. It's a lot of fun, but it's also a chance to compare new technologies.Some of the vehicles doing battle in the French capital, Paris, this year are prototypes equipped with highly sophisticated technology that could save many, many lives.It's drivers like Frédéric Blanc that new safety features will help in particular. The Frenchman's still wounded by a serious accident he had two years ago.
Frederic Blanc,Maxime FlamentMatthias SchlzeAngelos Amditis
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Micro and Nanotechnologies Are Revolutionizing Medicine

Micro and Nanotechnologies promise to be key applications in medicine and the environment in the future, but their development is still only at the beginning. Treatingdiseases at molecular level is still some way down the road, but researchers in Europe are developing the tools to make it possible one day, while also assessing the possiblerisks of these promising new technologies.
Guillermo Villanueva,IMB-CSIC Bellaterra, SpainJoan Bausells, IMB-CSIC Bellaterra, Spain Robert Lemor, IBMT St. Ingbert Thomas Velten, IMBT St. Ingbert
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Estratto dell'opera Anomalo Bicefalo

Estratto dello spettacolo di Dario Fo e Franca Rame con l'aggiornamento su tutte le vicende legate alla querela di Dell'Utri. Per gentile concessione di Atlantide Tv Visita il sito www.atlantide.tv Compra la videocassetta on-line

El caserón de las sombras

1932. De James Whale, largometraje americano, en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano. Intérpretes Boris Karloff, Melvyn Douglas y Charles Laughton. Una noche de tormenta, en los confines de Inglaterra, tres viajeros se pierden y encuentran refugio en un castillo, y en ese lugar el miedo se apoderará de todos Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Sucesos Argentinos - Número 000938

El noticiero de América latina con actualidad argentina y mundial desde 1938 al 1970 Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

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2024: è stato nuovo, ora è vecchio

L'anno vecchio se ne va
e mai più ritornerà.
Io gli ho dato una valigia
di capricci e impertinenze
di bugie e disobbedienze
e di azioni fatte male
e gli ho detto "porta via,
questa è tutta roba mia".
Anno nuovo avanti, avanti
ti fan festa tutti quanti.
Tu la gioia e la salute
porta ai nonni e ai genitori
ai parenti ed agli amici
rendi lieti tutti i ... continua

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