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Protecting the tree of Life

Europe is a continent of breathtaking natural beauty and dramatic contrasts. The EU?s 27 Member States stretch from the frozen Arctic Circle in the north to the warm Mediterranean waters in the south. From the wave-lashed Atlantic coast in Ireland to the snow-capped Carpathian mountains in Romania, the EU includes a vast range of natural habitats and a great diversity of flora and fauna.
Our natural heritage includes several thousand types of habitat, 520 species of bird, 10 000 plant species and at least 100 000 species of invertebrate. Yet, in comparison with other ... continua

Giving Europe more breathing space

Clean air is essential to our own health and that of the environment. But since the industrial revolution, the quality of the air we breathe has deteriorated considerably - mainly as a result of human activities. Rising industrial and energy production, the burning of fossil fuels and the dramatic rise in traffic on our roads all contribute to air pollution in our towns and cities - and damage our natural environment.
Centuries of treating nature like a dustbin has had disastrous consequences on our environment. For example, around 20 % of forests and lakes in ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 017

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición

Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
El tema de la globalización, con su secuela de arquitecturas financieras y sistemas económicos que condicionan el desarrollo de buena parte del mundo fue uno de los argumentos que abordamos para nuestra sección Encuentros con el Director de la Fundación de Paz de Madrid...
El saber antiguo y precioso de los Incas, fundadores de un imperio inmenso y pujante; podría volver a vivir sobre las altas cimas de Los Andes merced a la creación de la ... continua

Opinione di Giulietto Chiesa sul pluralismo dell'informazione

Mary Villalobos intervista Giulietto Chiesa sulla legge Gasparri e il pluralismo dell'informazione in Italia Biografia di Giulietto Chiesa Visita il sito: www.giuliettochiesa.it

Getting Europe's precious waters clean again

Most of Europe does not suffer from droughts, floods or poor water quality. Water-borne diseases, such as dysentery, are rare and most tap water is so clean it can be drunk without the danger of falling ill. However, water resources in Europe are, in many areas, under threat from a range of human activities, affecting the quality of inland and marine waters.
Almost a third of Europe?s population lives in countries that experience high water stress. Nitrate and pesticide pollution of groundwater, often caused by farming, remains a significant problem. And water ... continua

Video Contracorriente: Ricardo Harrón de Quesada

En este ocasión en Video Contracorriente se presenta la exposición de Ricardo Harrón de Quesada, Jefe de la delegación Cubana para los acuerdos migratorios con EE.UU., sobre uno de los temas más controvertidos ante la opinión internacional: el sistema migratorio cubano. Cortesía de Telesur Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Caminantes: Rigoberta Menchú

Rigoberta Menchú (Guatemala, 1959) es una importante activista por la paz y la igualdad que se ha centrado en la lucha a favor de los de derechos de los indígenas latinoamericanos. En este capítulo de Caminantes, se repasa su historia, sus motivaciones y las profunda frustración ante el maltrato al mundo indígena. En Logos Library puedes encontrar Mensajes y discursos de Rigoberta Menchú Cortesía de: Telesur Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

From Farm to Fork - Safe Food for European Consumers

Europe is the world's biggest importer and one of the top exporters. To maintain control over the diversity and quality of products within the member states, the european commission has developed laws, regulations and structures. Protecting the health of consumersis a priority in Europe.
The Food and Veterinary Office is located in grange, in Ireland. It is one of the branches of the European Comission charged with supervising the application of food safety laws in Europe. More than a hundred veterinary inspectors are based there.
Interviews:Graham Wood: Inspector, ... continua

Vitamina N°0 - Vita Channel

Nasce Vitachannel: canale televisivo indipendente promosso da VITA. Guarda la puntata zero della trasmissione "Vitamina" dal titolo "Una vitamina nel palinsesto" presentata per la prima volta a Civitas 2004 il 2 maggio scorso...si consiglia l'assunzione una volta la settimana... Visita il sito: www.vita.it

European fisheries: a strategy for eliminating discards.

In Europe, fishing is generally quite targeted. Fishermen know what they want to catch and use the appropiate methods and techniques. Despite this, when they bring their nets in, they often find other fish and marine organisms mixed up with the target species: thus is what is called the by-catch.
Everything in the net has to be sorted and only the fish that can be sold are kept. The rest are returned to the sea, ehre they stand little chance of surviving after the shock of being hauled to the surface. These are what are called discards.
Interviews:Dr. Andy Revill: ... continua

Intervento di Alberto Magnaghi

Alberto Magnaghi,presidente associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio". Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

Mesa Redonda Internacional: Carcel de Guantánamo

Mesa redonda internacional es un programa de entrevistas, donde la opinión es el género predominante, que permite el análisis de contenidos políticos, económicos, sociales, culturales y hasta deportivos, teniendo como principal protagonista a Latinoamérica. Cortesía de Telesur Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Cuba, caminos de Revolución: antes del '59

Documental que revisa el nacimiento del Gobierno Revolucionario en Cuba. Se presenta todo lo que encontró Fidel Castro y sus seguidores como resultado de los años de dictadura de Batista y su determinación a desmantelar y borrar los vestigios represivos de aquel régimen. Daniel Díaz Torres. Cuba, 2004. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Europe leads the fight against climate change

The European Union has been leading international efforts to fight climate change since global warming first moved onto the political agenda in the late 1980s. Europe has been instrumental in the development of both the United Nations convention to combat climate change and of its Kyoto Protocol. Interviews:Matthias Duwe: Climate Action Network. Jos Delbeke: Director of climate change policy - European Comision. Vincent Michel:Holcim. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Intervento di Ornella del Zordo

Ornella del Zordo, lab Dem Forum per Firenze. Intervento registrato presso l'Arsenale 2 di Terra Futura durante il convegno: Per un futuro Autosostenibile dei luoghi: Cantieri in corso Assemblea pubblica Associazione "Rete Nuovo Municipio" Visita il sito: www.terrafutura.it

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Mons. Fra' Marco Tasca il vescovo che odia

   Vengo a sapere, da buon ultimo (segno che faccio vita ascetica-monastica) che il clero di Genova è, da tempo, a conoscenza dell'intervento del can. Luca Giuliano, nella seduta dell'11 settembre 2024 nel Capitolo della Cattedrale di San Lorenzo in Genova.
   Da poco, il testo integrale è giunto anche a me: ... continua

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