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El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 010

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
-El domingo 26 los Ecuatorianos ante las urnas decidiràn una parte importante de su futuro inmediato: En el Balotaje eligiràn entre dos candidatos con propuestas absolutamente enfrentadas. El Empresario Alvaro Noboa, de tendencia derechista y el Economista Rafael Correa, de orientación izquierdista, se disputaràn la Presidencia del pais andino. En el noticiero les ofrecemos una ficha con las ùltimos datos de la campana electoral y con todas las ... continua

Ricostruire, le persone

Reportage, ad un anno dal terremoto di Puglia e Molise. Vicino a San Giuliano di Puglia ancora si lavora attorno ai prefabbricati; le immagini delle scuole scampate al crollo per un soffio. La tensione in paese, fra le persone, è ancora palpabile. Le opere di Caritas Italiana. Acquista il video on-line sul sito www.taffi.it

Intervista a Samuel Ruiz

Intervista a Samuel Ruiz, Vescovo emerito di San Cristobal de las Casas, per la rivista Carta in collaborazione con Arcoiris Tv Visita il sito: www.carta.org Biografia di Samuel Ruiz

Otilio Galíndez

Video documental sobre el compositor venezolano Otilio Galíndez, autor de aguinaldos y canciones populares como "Pueblos Tristes", "El Poncho Andino", "Luna Decembrina", "Ahora", "Son chispitas", "Mi tripón" y muchas otras.Visita el sitio: VIVE TV

006) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Code of the Carnival

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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005) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Telephone Cipher

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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Intervista a Samuel Ruiz

Intervista a Samuel Ruiz, Vescovo emerito di San Cristobal de las Casas, per la rivista Adista in collaborazione con Arcoiris Tv Visita il sito: www.adista.it Biografia di Samuel Ruiz

Francisco Tovar

Video documental sobre la figura de Francisco Tovar, cantor y narrador venezolanoVisita el sitio: VIVE TV

Francisco Álvarez

Video documental sobre el poeta venezolano Francisco Álvarez, compositor de versos poéticos desde muy joven y escritor también de la música para acompañar sus obras.Visita el sitio: VIVE TV

004) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Man of a Million Voices

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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003) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Eagle Strikes

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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Epifanía Mayora

Video documental sobre Epifanía Mayora, mujer nacida y criada en pequeño pueblo de Venezuela, una persona pobre y humilde, madre de cuatro hijos. Su gran pasión es cantar y tocar el tambor.Visita el sitio: VIVE TV

Silvino Armas

Programa cultural sobre el músico venezolano Silvino Armas, que hoy está consagrado como uno de los más importantes expositores del joropo central, ese sabroso ritmo propagado desde Carabobo hasta los Valles del Tuy y que muchos llaman, erróneamente, joropo tuyero. Pero don Silvino no sólo se dedicó al canto, sino que trabajó en trapiches y también se paseó por las alfarerías de la zona.Visita el sitio: VIVE TV

002) - Shadow of the Eagle: Pinholes

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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001) - Shadow of the Eagle: The Carnival Mystery

1932 - Crime / Drama
The Eagle uses sky writing to make threats against a corporation. Nathan Gregory owns a travelling fairground and is thought to be the Eagle. Craig McCoy is a pilot who goes looking for the Eagle when Gregory turns up missing.
Directed by:Ford Beebe
Writing credits:Ford Beebe, Colbert Clark
Complete credited cast:
John WayneDorothy GulliverEdward HearnRichard TuckerLloyd WhitlockWalter MillerEdmund BurnsPat O'MalleyKenneth Harlan'Little Billy' RhodesIvan LinowJames Bradbury Jr.Ernie AdamsRoy D'ArcyBud Osborne
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Obiettori in tempo di guerra

"In Kazakistan non puoi mai sentirti al sicuro; devi solo tenere la testa bassa", ha detto Alexander, che ha raccontato di vivere senza una scheda Sim o un conto in banca per evitare di essere rintracciato dalla Russia. È uno dei sei "disertori" russi ai quali per la prima volta è stato concesso il visto temporaneo da un Paese dell'Ue, la Francia. In genere abbandonano l'esercito e si rifugiano ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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