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Trained to Kill: USA

1975 - Action / Drama
Olie Hand returns from Vietnam where he has been trained as a ruthless assassin. At home he is a well-decorated war hero but he also tainted by the well-known secret of his psychological problems instigated by the killing he has seen and perpetrated whilst at war. At home, his town is being terrorised by a group of murdering carnies who's actions threaten to push Olie over the edge of sanity despite his best attempts to forget his training as a ruthless killer. After the second attack on his family, Olie lets fly... This is a relatively good ... continua

Mediotanque: Videos de la banda.

Gotan Parte 7 Medio Tanque es una serie de Reportajes que vertebra, intenta vertebrar, la vida cultural típica del cuenco del Río de la Plata. En la edición de hoy, una de las viejas glorias de la radioemisión Argentina nos habla del tango. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

The Europa Diary: how to be a consumer and a citizen

The content is chosen by the European Commission according to topics of interest to young people aged 15 to 18, and is then drafted by a team of professional writers. Since 2004, the Europa Diary has dealt with issues such as consumer credit, counterfeiting, e-commerce, climate change, fair trade, the dangers of tobacco and alcohol use, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.The Diary may also be partially adapted to each country. National partners of Generation Europe may, on the one hand, choose or refuse certain articles according to ... continua

Intervento di Francesco Meneguzzo

Intervento di Francesco Meneguzzo, IBIMET CNR Intervento registrato presso la Palazzina Lorenese di Terra Futura durante il convegno: La produzione di Energia Eletrica da fonti rinnovabili: Una grande opportunità per l'agricoltura italiana

Intervento di Enrico Ricci

Intervento di Enrico Ricci, Presidente Agriambiente Mugello Intervento registrato presso la Palazzina Lorenese di Terra Futura durante il convegno: La produzione di Energia Eletrica da fonti rinnovabili: Una grande opportunità per l'agricoltura italiana

Islas Urbanas: Santa Teresa, Brasil.

Islas Urbanas es una serie de reportajes donde se desmembra, se muestra con pelos y señales, un barrio dentro de una localidad. El barrio, como se nos muestra en esta serie de reportajes, vendria a ser una forma urbanística a rescatar antes de que se vea agotada por los grandes e impersonalizados edificios, propios, si es que, de nuestra época. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net


1955 - Western
This modestly budgeted oddity from the mid-fifties is as good example of how to make something out of nothing. Set in the waning days of the Civil War, Yellowneck follows several Confederate Army deserters in their flight through the Florida Everglades. The actors are all good and the predicament these characters are in is dramatized with a fair amount of realism. Poisonous snakes, insects and alligators abound, as these unfortunate men have gone from the hell of the Civil War into the frying pan of the swamp. They squabble amongst one another a ... continua

La historia que guarda la memoria

Cumplidos ya dos años de la masacre en San José de Apartadó, se realiza este documental. Hagamos un poco de historia: El 21 de febrero de 2005 fueron salvajemente torturados y posteriormente asesinados ocho miembros de la Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó (Colombia), entre los cuales se encontraba su líder histórico Luis Eduardo Guerra y tres niños de 18 meses, 6 y 11 años respectivamente. Todos los testigos señalan al ejército colombiano como responsable de este crimen de lesa humanidad.
La historia que guarda la memoria, es un ... continua

Banning misleading labels in Europe

Food products will need to meet the requirements of nutrient profiles to bear nutrition and health claims. Nutrient profiles will be based on the content of nutrients such as fat, saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, salt and sugars, excessive intakes of which in the overall diet are not recommended. Nutrition claims can fail one criterion, i.e. if only one nutrient (salt, sugar or fat) exceeds the limit of the profile a claim can still be made. In such cases the high level of that particular nutrient must be clearly marked on the label, ... continua

Intervento di David Chiaramonte

Intervento di David Chiaramonte, Università di Firenze Intervento registrato presso la Palazzina Lorenese di Terra Futura durante il convegno: La produzione di Energia Eletrica da fonti rinnovabili: Una grande opportunità per l'agricoltura italiana

Better information for better eating habits

The rules that govern nutrition labelling have already been in force for over a decade. In general nutrition labelling is included on a voluntary basis so the inclusion on most products depends on the goodwill of the agri-and-food industry. When nutrition labelling can be found, it may be difficult to find since it can be in small or very small print. Moreover, the type of labelling varies from one product to the next and from one country to the other. As a result, when filling their shopping carts, few European consumers take the time to ... continua

Intervento di Andrea Dascanio

Intervento di Andrea Dascanio, Banca Popolare Etica Intervento registrato presso la Palazzina Lorenese di Terra Futura durante il convegno: La produzione di Energia Eletrica da fonti rinnovabili: Una grande opportunità per l'agricoltura italiana

De este lado - Los refugiados

Programa de información. En este capítulo: Los refugiados. Cortesía de TeleSur. Visita el sitio: www.telesurtv.net

Costa Rica S.A.

El documental Costa Rica S.A. es una obra que está abiertamente en contra del tratado de libre comercio (TLC) con EE.UU. por ello fué prohibido en su país de origen. Lo que es entendible bajo la perspectiva de quien pretende conservar, a cualquier precio, el poder.
A un documental cuyo propósito es develar los verdaderos problemas que conllevaria un proceso Económico político de esta envergadura le resulta muy difícil ubicarse en cines comerciales o en transmisiones televisivas.
Siendo esto una lástima porque a pesar de no brillar en su ... continua

The EU and Afghanistan: Supporting renewal through security and development

The past six years in Afghanistan have been marked by a struggle to maintain the peace and build the institutions of economic and social revival. This is no easy task in a country driven by two and half decades of conflict. The EU has developed a comprehensive range of measures and missions, with an emphasis on areas of greatest concern, like the burgeoning drugs production and its impact on the security situation, as well as on progress in rural and economic development and supporting the rights of women. What progress lies beneath the ... continua

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Obiettori in tempo di guerra

"In Kazakistan non puoi mai sentirti al sicuro; devi solo tenere la testa bassa", ha detto Alexander, che ha raccontato di vivere senza una scheda Sim o un conto in banca per evitare di essere rintracciato dalla Russia. È uno dei sei "disertori" russi ai quali per la prima volta è stato concesso il visto temporaneo da un Paese dell'Ue, la Francia. In genere abbandonano l'esercito e si rifugiano ... continua

Tonio Dell'Olio

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